Thursday, September 23, 2004

Holy Freakin' Crap

Why, in God's name, anyone would become a linear programmer is beyond me. Of course, it's beyond me exactly why I'm taking a damn math class online. So, not to offend all of the linear programmers that I'm sure are reading this, but...masochistic idiots! It is almost 2:30 am and I have finally completed my homework. Not because I didn't get it. Just because it takes 8 million years to solve equations, graph shit, figure profits....blah, blah, fucking blah. Now my back hurts, my head hurts, my eyes hurt and I'm too damn tired to sleep. On the upside, I'm good enough at this that several people from the class have asked me to tutor them. if I didn't have enough to do, guess what I'm going to start doing tomorrow. Oh..and add linear programming to the list of shit that I hate. I don't know what number I was on but wherever I left off through number 88 is linear programming.
Here's a good one. My middle child has taken to talking to me as if she were typing. It goes something like this: M-o-m-m-a "space bar" c-a-n "space bar" I "space bar" h-a-v-e "space bar" a "space bar" d-o-l-l-a-r "question mark". It's lovely. If she weren't so cute...
Ok..I'm going to try to go to sleep and dream about sex instead of graphs.


At September 23, 2004 7:11 AM, Blogger Jilleyn said...

Hmmm, maybe you could tell her she can talk like that as long as she incorporates her spelling words into everything she says/types. Then, no more studying spelling.


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