Monday, April 11, 2005

I Ain't Skerred

Ok...I'm just going to put it out there because I know everyone is wondering it:

What the hell is going on over there at the Self Conscious place? Every day, I get all pumped up that there is going to be something new and thought provocative there waiting from my brain to wrap around it. Every day I click on that site on my list of favorites and hold my breath while it loads. Every day it's the same thing and now I can't even bitch about it. First it was cause I wasn't a member and now because the bitching area has disappeared altogether.

(I'm not sure that I have ever used the words "pumped up" to describe my state of mind. )

Anyway, the point guys are welcome to come here to bitch or just generally beg for the hiatus to end.

News on the daily grind:'s just the daily grind. I'm dreaming of soccer games. It's so bad that I'm dreaming of lurid affairs with non-existent soccer dads at non-existent soccer fields. You'd be amazed what your imagination can do with those nets.

We've got 8 games this weekend. It'll be a glorious testament to my motherly committment and I'm sure you'll get to hear all about it when it's done. I've already started writing my acceptance speech for the Most Dedicated Mother of the Year award. I won't forget to mention all of you in the moral support section.


At April 12, 2005 4:28 AM, Blogger She Hulk said...

I'll let J. tell you what is going's his blog. Maybe if we all email him and threaten to take off his socks, he will start posting again.

At April 12, 2005 7:09 AM, Blogger Jilleyn said...

I like how you're the most dedicated mother, not the best. :)

At April 12, 2005 10:28 AM, Blogger Pops said...

Some of us post every day, you know. That's because we love and respect our readers, not because we have no hobbies.

At April 12, 2005 11:03 AM, Blogger Holly said...

She-Hulk: Do you think his feet will be sweaty? I have this aversion/thing about sweaty feet.

Jill: I figure it's nice enough of the Dedicated Mother Committee to overlook the lack of home-cooked meals and non-membership in the PTA. I'm trying not to push my luck.

Pops: Love and Respect...don't you think those are a little overrated in today's society? And don't be so hard on yourself. I totally think that reviewing movies you've never seen is a worthwhile hobby. Also, you may be on to something with that whole little league thing. Plenty of men have turned general torture of their children and assinine behavior into hobbies. I know a few of them.


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