Reflections and Milestones
There are some things I need to get out of my head, so you can totally ignore the first part of this post if you like. were warned.
Things I've discovered through a few days of reflection:
1. I am as strong as I knew I was.
2. Someone else's opinion can only matter if you want it to.
3. I have the right to be happy. Really happy. Not just content.
4. If you change who you are for someone else, it changes who you are to yourself and how you feel about yourself.
5. If you continue to let someone else's bad behavior negatively affect your life, it's your problem.
6. Even if you know where you want to go, it's best to know, first, where you stand.
7. I'm an incredible fucking person. :) that last one was just to make me feel good. In general, I've figured out more than I thought I knew. One way or another there are about to be some drastic changes in my life. There will be people (the crazy ones) that will have serious issues with those changes. There will also be people (the less crazy ones) that get it and still want to be part of my life because they love me unconditionally. I guess the telling moment is about to arrive. It's time to separate the crazy from the less crazy.
In somewhat related news...
I know I promised updates, but I'm going to be spending the next 30-35 days of my life in overdrive. I have a million things to get done and only a month to get them done. That being said..not so sure about the updates.
In totally unrelated news...
We're gonna party like it's 1999. This is my 100th post. I was going to have just a party without reflection yesterday but I was too busy reflecting. So..have a few drinks for me tonight. It took a year and 3 months to get there, but I have managed (totally through the use of smoke and mirrors) to keep some of you coming back. Probably because every time you come back to read this crap, you get a little dumber; just dumb enough to come back and do it again.
In not-related-at-all news: We have been best friends for almost 20 years. Jay suggested a year-long celebration. I suggested Eureka this spring. I love you unconditionally!!!
That is almost unbelievable, isn't it? It seems like just yesterday when we were swimming in the river and camping on the porch. I love you unconditionally too. I'm all about Eureka. I was actually thinking maybe a month long celebration at the least, but Jay may be on to something here.
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