Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Good or Evil? Chicken or Egg?

I've really been thinking hard (maybe a little too hard) about Jill's last post. (You can find it at It referenced Mirandola vs. Machiavelli philosophy. She says she used to believe people were inherently good and corrupted by evil (Mirandola) but has changed her mind. I think that might be what I believe also but I have to wonder. It's far too much contemplation for one little girl under the influence of drugs. Kind of like those panic attacks I get when I try to figure out how God can just exist. I mean...I can buy into the whole God-created-the-heavens-and-the-earth theory, but what really stresses me out...How did God get here? And what's at the end of the universe? And is there life after death? Is there life before life?


At July 08, 2004 8:35 AM, Blogger Jilleyn said...

We just need a good dousing of holy water. And by holy water, I mean Bud Light, and by Bud Light, I mean Bud LightS.


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