Friday, December 17, 2004

Let the Drinking of Alcoholic Beverages and General Foolishness Begin

Winter break has arrived. My last night of class was last night and the girls finish school today. I love this break because there are so many people that the girls want to stay with and plenty of time to do so. Not that I don't love my children dearly. It just seems to get a little oppressive when you're a stay-at-home mom. And all of those moms that try to pretend that it is the most wonderful job on earth and they can't imagine why it would ever be frustrating or oppressive....those are the women that are taking their kid's ADD medication with a vodka chaser every morning.

I'm not trying to be a Grinch or deny Jill any Christmas spirit or anything, but...I f'in hate Christmas shopping! Hate it. People are crazy, traffic is insane. Every time I have been out thinking that I would do some shopping, I quit after an hour or so.

Why is Cloe the only Bratz doll that I can't find when it is the only one that I need? I think there is something wrong with the fact that ONLY the blonde one seems to be in such high demand. What about Yasmine? Red hair is cool...and she's got the name.

Any ideas for a new drink for me? I need a new one. I haven't been doing mixed drinks for a while now. I had a margarita phase and last year was a crown and coke phase. I think I need something fruity and fun. I've never really had a fruity and fun phase.

I got mad at my husband a couple of nights ago for....being my husband basically. I told him that I feel like I live in an intellectual abyss. He just looked at me like he had no clue. I said, "Exactly."

What age is appropriate for mascara?

Wow...I'm really random today. I just have that "feeling." I'm all giddy and fidgety. I'm happy that it's Friday. I'm happy that I'm so fuckin' smart. I'm happy about lots of stuff today. Amazing.


At December 17, 2004 7:43 AM, Blogger MoonEyedGirl said...

I lived in an intellectual abyss with my ex-husband for a decade. Ugh. It was horrible.

The right age for mascara? I would say maybe 8th grade? 13? At the earliest. My daughter will be 12 next week, and she definitely is not allowed to wear makeup yet.

At December 17, 2004 5:29 PM, Blogger Jilleyn said...

Purple Hooters on the rocks, here we come.

At December 24, 2004 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy your writing. I hope things are happy there at holiday time. Whatever you drink, may it be the most fun ever...

At December 24, 2004 8:50 PM, Blogger Larry Jones said...

Woops -- clicked the wrong button. I didn't mean to be "anonymous." I'll say it agaian: I enjoy your writing. I hope things are happy there at holiday time. Whatever you drink, may it be the most fun ever...


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