Right Leg, Left Leg..ZZZIIIIPPPP
I'm in a rut. Not a really deep, muddy one. Just a rut. Nothing exciting is happening in my life. Some will say that boring is good. Some will say that an even keel is peaceful. I say, "Where's the fuckin' action?" It's the season, I'm sure. I get into this pattern of sending children to school, attending to the needs of the little one, making dinner, Christmas shopping. One day blurs into the next. I can't remember what day I made chicken because it was the exact same day that I made spaghetti and that was the exact same day that I made pizza. I want to make chicken on the day that I saw the crazy ladies duke it out over the last Bratz doll in Wal-Mart. And have pizza on the day that a naked man was running down the highway in a santa hat. Then I could remember what to make for dinner tonight.
'Tis the season for ruts.
Pizza on Monday. Always on Monday.
appropriate soundtrack for daysanddays like this:
My Head Sounds Like That, Peter Gabriel.
Ok, it's not a soundtrack. Just a song. Over and over.
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